Stencil work

Happened to come across a nice blog header while surfing long back and made a mental image of that but unfortunately do not remember the site where I had seen this.  On one of the green theme washes I had done I made a stencil of a stag on some cheap mus eum pamphlet paper , which I realized I shouldn't have as paper soaked colour and spoilt my final result. 

Drew a rough sketch of a stag on the paper and cut out stencil. Tried it on a plain sheet of paper before using it on the intended washed  sheet and it came out pretty neat.  I tried again with a lighter wash and I had done it again. It was neat and crisp. 
By then I had wet the stencil enough for it to soak and I let it dry for a while used it on the cold pressed sheet. BAM!!! the colour spread out from the stencil and the ears and hind legs were smudged. Always I am very careful about painting on the washed sheets since they are of watercolour, any second coat of water paint can scrub of the below layer and the whole painting can look patchy. Well we should learn from mistakes but never do deliberate mistakes. This was more of a result of hastiness. I should have let the stencil paint dry off totally before using it again. 
Will try some kitchen paper stencil next time. 

 Then I 'reapaired' it and all I have now is a patchy crude result. Will try for a neat one next time. 

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